Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

SonarQube에서 제공하는 모든 메트릭을 다루지는 않습니다. 여러분이 사용하는 SonarQube 인스턴스에서 제공하는 전체 메트릭 리스트를 확인하고자 하는 경우 metrics search web service를 참조합니다.



코드이 경로를 기반으로 계산한 복잡도입니다. 소프트웨어 기능의 로직 흐름에 분기가 발생할 때마다, 복잡도 값은 1씩 증가합니다.

각 함수의 복잡도는 최소 1입니다. 각 프로그래밍 언어별로 키워드keyword 및 기능functionality가 상이하여, 복잡도 계산 정보는 약간 상이할 수 있습니다.

자세히 보기

Complexity /classclass_complexityclass 별 평균 복잡도
Complexity /filefile_complexityfile 별 평균 복잡도
Complexity /methodfunction_complexityfunction 별 평균 복잡도


Comment linescomment_lines

실제 주석 혹은 주석 처리된 코드의 라인 수입니다.

중요하지 않은non-significant 코멘트 라인(빈 코멘트라인, 특수 문자만

Non-significant comment lines (empty comment lines, comment lines containing only special characters, etc.) do not increase the number of comment lines.

The following piece of code contains 9 comment lines:

/**                                    +0 => empty comment line
 *                                     +0 => empty comment line
 * This is my documentation            +1 => significant comment
 * although I don't                    +1 => significant comment
 * have much                           +1 => significant comment
 * to say                              +1 => significant comment
 *                                     +0 => empty comment line
 ***************************           +0 => non-significant comment
 *                                     +0 => empty comment line
 * blabla...                           +1 => significant comment
 */                                    +0 => empty comment line
/**                                    +0 => empty comment line
 * public String foo() {               +1 => commented-out code
 *   System.out.println(message);      +1 => commented-out code
 *   return message;                   +1 => commented-out code
 * }                                   +1 => commented-out code
 */                                    +0 => empty comment line

More details

Comments (%)comment_lines_density

Density of comment lines 주석 라인 밀도 Comment lines 주석 라인 수 / (Lines of code코드 라인 수 + Comment lines주석 라인 수) * 100

With such a formula:

  • 50% means that the number of lines of code equals the number of comment lines
  • 100% means that the file only contains comment lines

    위의 식에 따라:

    • 50%: 코드 라인 수와 주석 라인 수가 동일함
    • 100%: 주석 라인 만 존재함
    Public documented API (%)public_documented_api_densityDensity of public documented API 문서화 된 공용 API 밀도 = (Public 공용 API  - Public undocumented API) / Public API 전체 수 - 문서화 되지 않은 공용 API 수) / 공용 API 전체 수 * 100
    Public undocumented APIpublic_undocumented_apiPublic API without comments header.주석 헤더가 없는 공용 API 수
    Commented-out LOCcommented_out_code_linesCommented lines of code
    주석 처리 된 라인 수

    코드 중복(Duplications)


    Duplicated blocks


    Number of duplicated blocks of lines.

    For a block of code to be considered as duplicated:

    • Non-Java projects:
      • There should be at least 100 successive and duplicated tokens.
      • Those tokens should be spread at least on:
        • 30 lines of code for COBOL
        • 20 lines of code for ABAP
        • 10 lines of code for other languages

    • Java projects:
      • There should be at least 10 successive and duplicated statements whatever the number of tokens and lines.

    Differences in indentation as well as in string literals are ignored while detecting duplications.

    Duplicated filesduplicated_filesNumber of files involved in duplications.
    Duplicated linesduplicated_linesNumber of lines involved in duplications.
    Duplicated lines (%)duplicated_lines_density

    Density of duplication = Duplicated lines / Lines * 100



    New issues


    Number of new issues.

    New xxxxx issues


    Number of new issues with severity xxxxx, xxxxx being blocker, critical, major, minor or info.



    Number of issues.

    xxxxx issues


    Number of issues with severity xxxxx, xxxxx being blocker, critical, major, minor or info.

    False positive issuesfalse_positive_issuesNumber of false positive issues
    Open issuesopen_issuesNumber of issues whose status is Open
    Confirmed issuesconfirmed_issuesNumber of issues whose status is Confirmed
    Reopened issuesreopened_issuesNumber of issues whose status is Reopened




    BlockerOperational/security risk: This issue might make the whole application unstable in production. Ex: calling garbage collector, not closing a socket, etc.
    CriticalOperational/security risk: This issue might lead to an unexpected behavior in production without impacting the integrity of the whole application. Ex: NullPointerException, badly caught exceptions, lack of unit tests, etc.
    MajorThis issue might have a substantial impact on productivity. Ex: too complex methods, package cycles, etc.
    MinorThis issue might have a potential and minor impact on productivity. Ex: naming conventions, Finalizer does nothing but call superclass finalizer, etc.
    InfoUnknown or not yet well defined security risk or impact on productivity. 


    Code Smellscode_smellsNumber of code smells.
    New Code Smellsnew_code_smellsNumber of new code smells.
    Maintainability Rating (formerly SQALE Rating)sqale_rating

    Rating given to your project related to the value of your Technical Debt Ratio. The default Maintainability Rating grid is:

    A=0-0.05, B=0.06-0.1, C=0.11-0.20, D=0.21-0.5, E=0.51-1

    The Maintainability Rating scale can be alternately stated by saying that if the outstanding remediation cost is:

    • <=5% of the time that has already gone into the application, the rating is A
    • between 6 to 10% the rating is a B
    • between 11 to 20% the rating is a C
    • between 21 to 50% the rating is a D
    • anything over 50% is an E
    Technical Debtsqale_indexEffort to fix all maintainability issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB.
    Technical Debt on new codenew_technical_debtTechnical Debt of new code
    Technical Debt Ratiosqale_debt_ratio

    Ratio between the cost to develop the software and the cost to fix it. The Technical Debt Ratio formula is:

    	Remediation cost / Development cost 

    Which can be restated as:

    	Remediation cost / (Cost to develop 1 line of code * Number of lines of code)

    The value of the cost to develop a line of code is 0.06 days.
    Technical Debt Ratio on new codenew_sqale_debt_ratio

    Ratio between the cost to developer the code changed in the leak period and the cost of the issues linked to it.

    품질 게이트(Quality Gates)

    Quality Gate Statusalert_statusState of the Quality Gate associated to your Project. Possible values are : ERROR, WARN, OK
    Quality Gates Detailsquality_gate_detailsFor all the conditions of your Quality Gate, you know which condition is failing and which is not.


    BugsbugsNumber of bugs.
    New Bugsnew_bugsNumber of new bugs.
    Reliability Ratingreliability_rating

    A = 0 Bug
    B = at least 1 Minor Bug
    C = at least 1 Major Bug
    D = at least 1 Critical Bug
    E = at least 1 Blocker Bug

    Reliability remediation effortreliability_remediation_effortEffort to fix all bug issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB.
    Reliability remediation effort on new codenew_reliability_remediation_effortSame as Reliability remediation effort by on the code changed in the leak period.


    VulnerabilitiesvulnerabilitiesNumber of vulnerabilities.
    New Vulnerabilitiesnew_vulnerabilitiesNumber of new vulnerabilities.
    Security Ratingsecurity_rating

    A = 0 Vulnerability
    B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerability
    C = at least 1 Major Vulnerability
    D = at least 1 Critical Vulnerability
    E = at least 1 Blocker Vulnerability

    Security remediation effortsecurity_remediation_effortEffort to fix all vulnerability issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB.
    Security remediation effort on new codenew_security_remediation_effortSame as Security remediation effort by on the code changed in the leak period.






    ClassesclassesNumber of classes (including nested classes, interfaces, enums and annotations).
    DirectoriesdirectoriesNumber of directories.
    FilesfilesNumber of files.
    LineslinesNumber of physical lines (number of carriage returns).
    Lines of codencloc

    Number of physical lines that contain at least one character which is neither a whitespace or a tabulation or part of a comment.

    More details

    Lines of code per languagencloc_language_distributionNon Commenting Lines of Code Distributed By Language

    Number of functions. Depending on the language, a function is either a function or a method or a paragraph.

    More details

    ProjectsprojectsNumber of projects in a view.
    Public APIpublic_api

    Number of public Classes + number of public Functions + number of public Properties

    More details


    Number of statements.

    More details





    Condition coveragebranch_coverage

    On each line of code containing some boolean expressions, the condition coverage simply answers the following question: 'Has each boolean expression been evaluated both to true and false?'. This is the density of possible conditions in flow control structures that have been followed during unit tests execution불리언 표현식을 가진 모든 코드 라인에 대해, condition coverage는 매우 간단한 다음 질문을 던집니다:

    "각 불리언 표편이 참과 거짓으로 평가되었는가?"

    이것은 단위 테스트가 실행되는 동안 흐름 제어 구조에 존재할 수 있는 가능한 조건의 전부입니다.

    Condition coverage = (CT + CF) / (2*B)
    where위 식에서
    CT = conditions that have been evaluated to 'true' at least once
    CF = conditions that have been evaluated to 'false' at least once
    B = total number of conditions최소 1회 이상 "true"로 평가된 조건
    CF = 최소 1회 이상 "false"로 평가된 조건
    B = 조건의 총 합

    Condition coverage on new codenew_branch_coverage

    Identical to Condition coverage but restricted to new / updated source code.Condition coverage와 동일하며, 신규 혹은 업데이트 한 소스 코드에만 적용됩니다

    Condition coverage hitsbranch_coverage_hits_dataList of covered conditions.커버 된 조건 리스트
    Conditions by lineconditions_by_lineNumber of conditions by line.코드 라인 당 조건 수
    Covered conditions by linecovered_conditions_by_lineNumber of covered conditions by line.코드 라인 당 커버된 조건 후

    It is a mix of Line coverage and Condition coverage. Its goal is to provide an even more accurate answer to the following question: How much of the source code has been covered by the unit tests?

    Coverage = (CT + CF + LC)/(2*B + EL)
    CT = conditions that have been evaluated to 'true' at least once
    CF = conditions that have been evaluated to 'false' at least once
    LC = covered lines = lines_to_cover - uncovered_lines
    B = total number of conditions
    EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover)

    Coverage on new codenew_coverage

    Identical to Coverage but restricted to new / updated source code.

    Line coverageline_coverage

    On a given line of code, Line coverage simply answers the following question: Has this line of code been executed during the execution of the unit tests?. It is the density of covered lines by unit tests:

    Line coverage = LC / EL
    LC = covered lines (lines_to_cover - uncovered_lines)
    EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover)

    Line coverage on new codenew_line_coverageIdentical to Line coverage but restricted to new / updated source code.
    Line coverage hitscoverage_line_hits_dataList of covered lines.
    Lines to coverlines_to_coverNumber of lines of code which could be covered by unit tests (for example, blank lines or full comments lines are not considered as lines to cover).
    Lines to cover on new codenew_lines_to_coverIdentical to Lines to cover but restricted to new / updated source code.
    Skipped unit testsskipped_testsNumber of skipped unit tests.
    Uncovered conditionsuncovered_conditionsNumber of conditions which are not covered by unit tests.
    Uncovered conditions on new codenew_uncovered_conditionsIdentical to Uncovered conditions but restricted to new / updated source code.
    Uncovered linesuncovered_linesNumber of lines of code which are not covered by unit tests.
    Uncovered lines on new codenew_uncovered_linesIdentical to Uncovered lines but restricted to new / updated source code.
    Unit teststestsNumber of unit tests.
    Unit tests durationtest_execution_timeTime required to execute all the unit tests.
    Unit test errorstest_errorsNumber of unit tests that have failed.
    Unit test failurestest_failuresNumber of unit tests that have failed with an unexpected exception.
    Unit test success density (%)test_success_densityTest success density = (Unit tests - (Unit test errors + Unit test failures)) / Unit tests * 100

    The same kinds of metrics exist for Integration tests coverage and Overall tests coverage (Units tests + Integration tests).

    Metrics on test execution do not exist for Integration tests and Overall tests.