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Table of Contents
Languages | Notes | |
ABAP | The following keywords increase the complexity by one다음 키워드를 만날 때마다 복잡도가 1씩 증가합니다: AND, CATCH, CONTINUE, DO, ELSEIF, IF, LOOP, LOOPAT, OR, PROVIDE, SELECT…ENDSELECT, TRY, WHEN, WHILE | |
C/C++/Objective-C | The complexity gets incremented by one for: function definitions다음 구문 혹은 키워들 만날 때마다 복잡도가 1씩 증가합니다: 합수 정의(function definitions), | |
Cobol | The following commands increase the complexity by one (except when they are used in a copybook)다음 명령어를 만날 때마다 복잡도가 1씩 증가합니다(해당 키워드가 카피북(copybook)에서 사용되는 경우는 제외): ALSO, ALTER, AND, DEPENDING, END_OF_PAGE, ENTRY, EOP, EXCEPTION, EXIT, GOBACK, CONTINUE, IF, INVALID, OR, OVERFLOW, SIZE, STOP, TIMES, UNTIL, USE, VARYING, WHEN, EXEC CICS HANDLE, EXEC CICS LINK, EXEC CICS XCTL, EXEC CICS RETURN | |
Java |
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JavaScript, PHP | Complexity is incremented by one for each복잡도는 다음의 경우 1씩 증가합니다:
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PL/I | The following keywords increase the complexity by one다음 키워드를 만날 때마다 복잡도가 1씩 증가합니다: PROC, PROCEDURE, GOTO, GO TO, RETURN, DO, IF, WHEN, |, !, |=, !=, &, &= | |
PL/SQL | The complexity gets incremented by one for: the main PL/SQL anonymous block (not inner ones), create procedure, create trigger, procedure_definition, basic loop statement, when_clause_statement (the “when” of simple_case_statement and searched_case_statement), continue_statement, cursor_for_loop_statement, continue_exit_when_clause (The “WHEN” part of the continue and exit statements), exception_handler (every individual “WHEN”), exit_statement, for_loop_statement, forall_statement, if_statement, elsif_clause, raise_statement, return_statement, while_loop_statement, and_expression (“and” reserved word used within PL/SQL expressions), or_expression (“or” reserved word used within PL/SQL expressions), when_clause_expression (the “when” of simple_case_expression and searched_case_expression) | |
VB.NET | The complexity gets incremented by one for: method or constructor declaration (Sub , Function ), AndAlso, Case, Continue, End, Error, Exit, If, Loop, On Error, GoTo, OrElse, Resume, Return (except if it is the last statement of a function), Stop, Throw, Try . | |
Web | Complexity of the web page is measured by counting the decision tags (such as |