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Table of Contents
This is not an exhaustive list of metrics. For the full list, consult the metrics search web service on your SonarQube instance.
Name | Key | Description |
Complexity | complexity | It is the complexity calculated based on the number of paths through the code. Whenever the control flow of a function splits, the complexity counter gets incremented by one. Each function has a minimum complexity of 1. This calculation varies slightly by language because keywords and functionalities do. |
Complexity /class | class_complexity | Average complexity by class. |
Complexity /file | file_complexity | Average complexity by file. |
Complexity /method | function_complexity | Average complexity by function. |
Name | Key | Description | |
Comment lines | comment_lines | Number of lines containing either comment or commented-out code. Non-significant comment lines (empty comment lines, comment lines containing only special characters, etc.) do not increase the number of comment lines. The following piece of code contains 9 comment lines:
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Comments (%) | comment_lines_density | Density of comment lines = Comment lines / (Lines of code + Comment lines) * 100 With such a formula:
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Public documented API (%) | public_documented_api_density | Density of public documented API = (Public API - Public undocumented API) / Public API * 100 | |
Public undocumented API | public_undocumented_api | Public API without comments header. | |
Commented-out LOC | commented_out_code_lines | Commented lines of code |
Name | Key | Description |
Duplicated blocks | duplicated_blocks | Number of duplicated blocks of lines. For a block of code to be considered as duplicated:
Differences in indentation as well as in string literals are ignored while detecting duplications. |
Duplicated files | duplicated_files | Number of files involved in duplications. |
Duplicated lines | duplicated_lines | Number of lines involved in duplications. |
Duplicated lines (%) | duplicated_lines_density | Density of duplication = Duplicated lines / Lines * 100 |
Name | Key | Description |
New issues | new_violations | Number of new issues. |
New xxxxx issues | new_xxxxx_violations | Number of new issues with severity xxxxx, xxxxx being blocker, critical, major, minor or info. |
Issues | violations | Number of issues. |
xxxxx issues | xxxxx_violations | Number of issues with severity xxxxx, xxxxx being blocker, critical, major, minor or info. |
False positive issues | false_positive_issues | Number of false positive issues |
Open issues | open_issues | Number of issues whose status is Open |
Confirmed issues | confirmed_issues | Number of issues whose status is Confirmed |
Reopened issues | reopened_issues | Number of issues whose status is Reopened |
Severity | Description |
Blocker | Operational/security risk: This issue might make the whole application unstable in production. Ex: calling garbage collector, not closing a socket, etc. |
Critical | Operational/security risk: This issue might lead to an unexpected behavior in production without impacting the integrity of the whole application. Ex: NullPointerException, badly caught exceptions, lack of unit tests, etc. |
Major | This issue might have a substantial impact on productivity. Ex: too complex methods, package cycles, etc. |
Minor | This issue might have a potential and minor impact on productivity. Ex: naming conventions, Finalizer does nothing but call superclass finalizer, etc. |
Info | Unknown or not yet well defined security risk or impact on productivity. |
Name | Key | Description |
Code Smells | code_smells | Number of code smells. |
New Code Smells | new_code_smells | Number of new code smells. |
Maintainability Rating (formerly SQALE Rating) | sqale_rating | Rating given to your project related to the value of your Technical Debt Ratio. The default Maintainability Rating grid is: A=0-0.05, B=0.06-0.1, C=0.11-0.20, D=0.21-0.5, E=0.51-1 The Maintainability Rating scale can be alternately stated by saying that if the outstanding remediation cost is:
Technical Debt | sqale_index | Effort to fix all maintainability issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB. |
Technical Debt on new code | new_technical_debt | Technical Debt of new code |
Technical Debt Ratio | sqale_debt_ratio | Ratio between the cost to develop the software and the cost to fix it. The Technical Debt Ratio formula is: Remediation cost / Development cost Which can be restated as: Remediation cost / (Cost to develop 1 line of code * Number of lines of code) The value of the cost to develop a line of code is 0.06 days. |
Technical Debt Ratio on new code | new_sqale_debt_ratio | Ratio between the cost to developer the code changed in the leak period and the cost of the issues linked to it. |
Quality Gates
Name | Key | Description |
Quality Gate Status | alert_status | State of the Quality Gate associated to your Project. Possible values are : ERROR, WARN, OK |
Quality Gates Details | quality_gate_details | For all the conditions of your Quality Gate, you know which condition is failing and which is not. |
Name | Key | Description |
Bugs | bugs | Number of bugs. |
New Bugs | new_bugs | Number of new bugs. |
Reliability Rating | reliability_rating | A = 0 Bug |
Reliability remediation effort | reliability_remediation_effort | Effort to fix all bug issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB. |
Reliability remediation effort on new code | new_reliability_remediation_effort | Same as Reliability remediation effort by on the code changed in the leak period. |
Name | Key | Description |
Vulnerabilities | vulnerabilities | Number of vulnerabilities. |
New Vulnerabilities | new_vulnerabilities | Number of new vulnerabilities. |
Security Rating | security_rating | A = 0 Vulnerability |
Security remediation effort | security_remediation_effort | Effort to fix all vulnerability issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB. |
Security remediation effort on new code | new_security_remediation_effort | Same as Security remediation effort by on the code changed in the leak period. |
Metric | Key | Description |
Classes | classes | Number of classes (including nested classes, interfaces, enums and annotations). |
Directories | directories | Number of directories. |
Files | files | Number of files. |
Lines | lines | Number of physical lines (number of carriage returns). |
Lines of code | ncloc | Number of physical lines that contain at least one character which is neither a whitespace or a tabulation or part of a comment. |
Lines of code per language | ncloc_language_distribution | Non Commenting Lines of Code Distributed By Language |
Methods | functions | Number of functions. Depending on the language, a function is either a function or a method or a paragraph. |
Projects | projects | Number of projects in a view. |
Public API | public_api | Number of public Classes + number of public Functions + number of public Properties |
Statements | statements | Number of statements. |
Metric | Key | Description | |
Condition coverage | branch_coverage | On each line of code containing some boolean expressions, the condition coverage simply answers the following question: 'Has each boolean expression been evaluated both to true and false?'. This is the density of possible conditions in flow control structures that have been followed during unit tests execution.
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Condition coverage on new code | new_branch_coverage | Identical to Condition coverage but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Condition coverage hits | branch_coverage_hits_data | List of covered conditions. | |
Conditions by line | conditions_by_line | Number of conditions by line. | |
Covered conditions by line | covered_conditions_by_line | Number of covered conditions by line. | |
Coverage | coverage | It is a mix of Line coverage and Condition coverage. Its goal is to provide an even more accurate answer to the following question: How much of the source code has been covered by the unit tests?
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Coverage on new code | new_coverage | Identical to Coverage but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Line coverage | line_coverage | On a given line of code, Line coverage simply answers the following question: Has this line of code been executed during the execution of the unit tests?. It is the density of covered lines by unit tests:
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Line coverage on new code | new_line_coverage | Identical to Line coverage but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Line coverage hits | coverage_line_hits_data | List of covered lines. | |
Lines to cover | lines_to_cover | Number of lines of code which could be covered by unit tests (for example, blank lines or full comments lines are not considered as lines to cover). | |
Lines to cover on new code | new_lines_to_cover | Identical to Lines to cover but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Skipped unit tests | skipped_tests | Number of skipped unit tests. | |
Uncovered conditions | uncovered_conditions | Number of conditions which are not covered by unit tests. | |
Uncovered conditions on new code | new_uncovered_conditions | Identical to Uncovered conditions but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Uncovered lines | uncovered_lines | Number of lines of code which are not covered by unit tests. | |
Uncovered lines on new code | new_uncovered_lines | Identical to Uncovered lines but restricted to new / updated source code. | |
Unit tests | tests | Number of unit tests. | |
Unit tests duration | test_execution_time | Time required to execute all the unit tests. | |
Unit test errors | test_errors | Number of unit tests that have failed. | |
Unit test failures | test_failures | Number of unit tests that have failed with an unexpected exception. | |
Unit test success density (%) | test_success_density | Test success density = (Unit tests - (Unit test errors + Unit test failures)) / Unit tests * 100 |
The same kinds of metrics exist for Integration tests coverage and Overall tests coverage (Units tests + Integration tests).
Metrics on test execution do not exist for Integration tests and Overall tests.