Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Cobolmove, if, accept, add, alter, call, cancel, close, compute, continue, delete, display, divide, entry, evaluate, exitProgram, goback, goto, initialize, inspect, merge, multiply, open, perform, read, release, return, rewrite, search, set, sort, start, stop, string, subtract, unstring, write, exec, ibmXmlParse, ibmXmlGenerate, readyReset, mfCommit, mfRollback
Number of statements as defined in the Java Language Specification but without block definitions. Statements counter gets incremented by one each time a following keyword is encountered

Java Language Specification에는 정의되어 있으나, 블럭 정의(block definition)는 가지고 있지 않은 구문의 수. 구문 카운터는 다음 키워드를 만날 때마다 1씩 증가합니다if, else, while, do, for, switch, break, continue, return, throw, synchronized, catch, finally.

Statements counter is not incremented by a class, method, field, annotation definition, package declaration and import declaration

구문 카운터는 클래스(class), 메소드(method), 필드(field), 애너테이션 정의(annotation definition), 패키지 선언(package declaration) 및 임포트 선언(import declaration)에 대해서는 증가하지 않습니다.

Only includes SQL statements used within PL/SQL blocks, but not outside
PL/SQL 블럭 내부의 SQL 구문만을 포함합니다. PL/SQL 블럭 외부의 SQL 구문은 포함하지 않습니다.