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By SonarSource – GNU LGPL 3 – Issue Tracker  Sources

SonarQube Scanner for Maven

Table of Contents


This analyzer is recommended to launch analysis on Java Maven project.


Maven Version



From maven-sonar-plugin, SonarQube < 5.6 is no longer supported.

If using SonarQube instance prior to 5.6, you should use maven-sonar-plugin

From maven-sonar-plugin 3.1, Maven < 3.0 is no longer supported.

If using Maven prior to 3.0, you should use maven-sonar-plugin 3.0.2.


  • Maven 3.x
  • SonarQube is already installed
  • At least the minimal version of Java supported by your SonarQube server is in use (Java 8 for latest LTS)
  • The language plugins for each of the languages you wish to analyze are installed
  • You have read Analyzing Code Source

Initial Setup

Global Settings

Edit the settings.xml file, located in $MAVEN_HOME/conf or ~/.m2, to set the plugin prefix and optionally the SonarQube server URL.


                <!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->

Analyzing a Maven Project

Analyzing a Maven project consists of running a Maven goal: sonar:sonar in the directory where the pom.xml file sits.

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar
# In some situation you may want to run sonar:sonar goal as a dedicated step. Be sure to use install as first step for multi-module projects
mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar
# Specify the version of sonar-maven-plugin instead of using the latest. See also 'How to Fix Version of Maven Plugin' below.
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:

To get coverage information, you'll need to generate the coverage report before the analysis. See Code Coverage by Unit Tests for Java Project and Code Coverage by Integration Tests for Java Project for more information.

Configuring the SonarQube Analysis

Analysis parameters are listed on the Analysis Parameters page. You have to configure them in the <properties> section of your pom.xml like this:

  <sonar.exclusions> [...] </sonar.exclusions>



Any user who's granted Execute Analysis permission can run an analysis.

If the Anyone group is not granted Execute Analysis permission or if the SonarQube instance is secured (the sonar.forceAuthentication property is set to true), the analysis token of a user with Execute Analysis permission must be provided through the sonar.login property. Example: sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=[my analysis token]

Excluding a module from SonarQube analysis

You can either:

  • define property <sonar.skip>true</sonar.skip> in the pom.xml of the module you want to exclude

  • use build profiles to exclude some module (like for integration tests)
  • use Advanced Reactor Options (such as "-pl"). For example mvn sonar:sonar -pl !module2

Sample Project

To help you get started, a simple project sample is available here:

How to Fix Version of Maven Plugin

It is recommended to lock down versions of Maven plugins:

Project analyzed with Maven 3



If you get an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, you can set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, like this in *nix environments:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m"

On Windows environments, avoid the double-quotes, since they get misinterpreted.

set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m
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