SQ Official Doc Link: https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Narrowing+the+Focus
If SonarQube's results aren't relevant, developers will push back on using it. That's why precisely configuring what to analyze for each project is a very important step. Doing so allows you to remove noise, like the issues and duplications marked on generated code, or the issues from rules that aren't relevant for certain types of objects.
SonarQube gives you several options for configuring exactly what will be analyzed. You can
- completely ignore some files or directories
- exclude files/directories from Issues detection (specific rules or all of them) but analyze all other aspects
- exclude files/directories from Duplications detection but analyze all other aspects
- exclude files/directories from Coverage calculations but analyze all other aspects
You can make these changes globally or at a project level. At both levels, the navigation path is the same: Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope.
Ignore Files
We recommend that you exclude generated code, source code from libraries, etc. There are four different ways to narrow your analysis to the source code that will be relevant to the development team. You can combine them all together to tune your analysis scope.
Source Directories
Set the sonar.sources
property to limit the scope of the analysis to certain directories.
File Suffixes
Most language plugins offer a way to restrict the scope of analysis to files matching a set of extensions. Go to Administration > General Settings > [Language] to set the File suffixes property.
Choosing Files
To specify which files are are and are not included in an analysis go to Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Files.
Use exclusion to analyze everything but the specified files:
- to exclude source code filessonar.test.exclusions
- to exclude unit test files
Use inclusion to analyzes only the specified files:
You can set these properties at the project and global levels.
See the Patterns section for more details on the syntax to use in these inputs.
See Also: Ignore Issues
Ignore Issues
You can have SonarQube ignore issues on certain components and against certain coding rules. Go to Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Issues.
Note that the properties below can only be set through the web interface because they are multi-valued.
Ignore Issues on Files
You can ignore all issues on files that contain a block of code matching a given regular expression.
Example: Ignore all issues on files containing @javax.annotation.Generated
Ignore Issues in Blocks
You can ignore all issues on specific blocks of code, while continuing to scan and mark issues on the remainder of the file. Blocks to be ignored are delimited by start and end strings which can be specified by regular expressions (or plain strings).
- If the first regular expression is found but not the second one, the end of the file is considered to be the end of the block.
- Regular expressions are not matched on a multi-line basis.
Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria
You can ignore issues on certain components and for certain coding rules. To list a specific rule, use the fully qualified rule id shown in the rule detail:
- I want to ignore all issues on all files => key:
*; path: **/*
- I want to ignore all issues on COBOL program bank/ZTR00021.cbl => key:
*; path: bank/ZTR00021.cbl
- I want to ignore all issues on classes located directly in the Java package
, but not in its sub-packages => key: *;path: com/foo/* - I want to ignore all issues against coding rule "cpp:Union" on files in the directory object and its sub-directories => key:
cpp:Union; path: object/**/*
Restrict Scope of Coding Rules
You can restrict the application of a rule to only certain components, ignoring all others.
- I only want to check the rule Magic Number on Bean objects and not on anything else => key:
com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.coding.MagicNumberCheck;path: **/*Bean.java
- I only want to check the rule Prevent GO TO statement from transferring control outside current module on COBOL programs located in the directories bank/creditcard and bank/bankcard => this one requires two criteria to define it:
key: cobol:COBOL.GotoTransferControlOutsideCurrentModuleCheck; path:
key: cobol:COBOL.GotoTransferControlOutsideCurrentModuleCheck; path: bank/bankcard/**/*
Ignore Duplications
You can prevent some files from being checked for duplications.
To do so, go to Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Duplications and set the Duplication Exclusions property. See the Patterns section for more details on the syntax.
Ignore Code Coverage
You can prevent some files from being taken into account for code coverage by unit tests.
To do so, go to Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Code Coverage and set the Coverage Exclusions property. See the Patterns section for more details on the syntax.
Paths are relative to the project base directory.
The following wildcards can be used:
Wildcard | Matches |
* | zero or more characters |
** | zero or more directories |
? | a single character |
Relative paths are based on the fully qualified name of the component (like the one displayed in the red frame below):
# Exclude all classes ending by "Bean" # Matches org/sonar.api/MyBean.java, org/sonar/util/MyOtherBean.java, org/sonar/util/MyDTO.java, etc. sonar.exclusions=**/*Bean.java,**/*DTO.java # Exclude all classes in the "src/main/java/org/sonar" directory # Matches src/main/java/org/sonar/MyClass.java, src/main/java/org/sonar/MyOtherClass.java # But does not match src/main/java/org/sonar/util/MyClassUtil.java sonar.exclusions=src/main/java/org/sonar/* # Exclude all COBOL programs in the "bank" directory and its sub-directories # Matches bank/ZTR00021.cbl, bank/data/CBR00354.cbl, bank/data/REM012345.cob sonar.exclusions=bank/**/* # Exclude all COBOL programs in the "bank" directory and its sub-directories whose extension is .cbl # Matches bank/ZTR00021.cbl, bank/data/CBR00354.cbl sonar.exclusions=bank/**/*.cbl